Sponsors and Partners provide essential support for Organic Farm School.
We welcome this support in all forms. Traditional Cash and in-kind Sponsorships of any amount are always appreciated because without them we would not meet our financial goals for our annual operating budget.
These sponsorship opportunities allow individuals and businesses to attach their support to a specific event or activity that reflects their interests and objectives and be recognized for doing so.
We also seek collaboration with nonprofit organizations, public agencies, and businesses that may not include a direct financial benefit to OFS but will help increase awareness of our programs and activities through mutually beneficial partnerships. This can take many forms, from posting OFS information to social media, publishing articles about OFS in your newsletters, introducing OFS to prospective students…and so much more.
We invite you to consider how you or your organization might support us in one (or more!) of these ways. To explore further, please contact our Executive Director, Judy Feldman.
With gratitude we acknowledge and honor our Sponsors and Partners. Please follow the links to their websites to learn more about them and the good work they are doing.